Write For Us

Write For Us – Guest Post Submission Guidelines

Do you wish to write for us? If you are keenly interested in sharing your thoughts on health, write for us India, the United states and many other countries. Whether you are a health expert, or an amateur writer who wants to contribute to our health blogs, “write for us”.

What we are looking for is quality content. We would be happy to publish your quality articles and blogs on our site. We are always looking for good content from writers. If you can open interesting health blogs, write for us. 

The list of topics that you can write on Webhealthmantra.com is endless. You can write anything and everything relating to health, beauty, fitness, etc,. In a nutshell, we want to help and enlighten our readers by publishing helpful articles on our website in simple and easy language.

By publishing your guest post on our website, you get multiple benefits. Your article is likely to be read by thousands of people across the globe. You will get maximum views on your guest post, which will enhance popularity. Moreover, you can create your own author portfolio by regularly contributing your guest posts on health through ‘write for us.’

Webhealthmantra.Com: A Step-By-Step Process On How to Write for Us

  1. Your article should be related to health care to write for us
  2. It should be 100% new content.
  3. Your article must be easily readable with no typos or grammatical errors
  4. Your health write for us – guest post should provide new information to the readers.
  5. Any guest post submitted to us should be around 1000 words or more.

How to submit your blog post to webhealthmantra.com

We prefer SEO-friendly health-related content with a maximum of two backlinks inserted into the content. We usually provide do-follow links, but your content should be informative and it mustn’t look like another promotional write-up.

Please send in your guest post as an attachment in MS – Word file format at our Write for us – India section. Or you can also reach out to us through the contact us form given on the site. We usually prefer topics like health, beauty, fitness, nutrition, recipes, and weight loss.

Web Health Mantra Blog Post Guidelines and Criteria

  1. i) No part of the content should be copied. If we detect any copied text in your guest post, then your article will be rejected.
  2. ii) It should be in a conversational tone with simple words and vocabularies.

iii) We usually prefer explanatory health blogs. Ideally, your content should have a minimum of 1000 words.

  1. iv) Once submitted, we don’t entertain any follow-up questions or any other queries relating to the same.
  2. v) We usually take three-four days’ time to review and approve your content.

Guest post must have points, before submitting to Web Health Mantra

  1. i) Your guest post should be complete in all respects.
  2. ii) Your guest post must accompany a brief author’s profile.

iii) We accept all guest posts in English only.

  1. iv) The backlinks inserted in your content must be from health-related sites only.
  2. v) The article should be free from all errors.
  3. vi) Article should be related to beauty, health, fitness, recipes and weight loss only.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Beauty, Fitness, Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss article

Do I need to pitch my idea first?

No. You can directly send in your guest post to us through “write for us” section

What happens after I submit my entry?

Our editorial team will review your guest post. If it meets our editorial guidelines and we find it intriguing, then we will soon publish your article. Please give us at least a week time for this process to follow and get back to you..

What is the maximum word limit per post?

The minimum word length is 1000 words. There is no maximum limit.

Can I repost my guest post to another site?

No. As long as your guest post is under review, you aren’t allowed to submit it on any other site.

Can I submit my published article on webhealthmantra.com to other sites?

No. Once your guest post is published on our site, it becomes our copy-right property. You are not liable to publish it elsewhere without our consent.

Should I follow the tips given on your website?

Each of our content goes through a rigorous process of checks and editorial reviews. So, whatever tips or other information is given on the site is up to date and to the best of the knowledge of the writers. However, you should consult your doctor before following any health-related tips from the site.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for health articles

Should I follow the health advice as suggested on your website?

Though all information mentioned on our site is true and based on facts, still we request you to consult your doctor to clear your doubts.

How can I write good and informative health articles?

You should read more and more quality health blog sites like webhealthmantra and others. Follow their writing style and then come up with your own article following in-depth research into a particular topic.

Any other important facts relating to health articles?

As far as possible, health-related articles should be based on facts and clinical information. Here, facts and scientific data carry more weightage than the imagination and power of your vocabularies. So, stick to facts, and substantiate your content with relevant evidence in the form of links from well-known medical-related sites. 

The Conclusion 

Seeing your article or guest post published on big sites like webhealthmantra.com is nothing short of a dream come true. It not only gives you a platform to publish your content, but also helps you reach out to thousands of avid readers and health experts at one go. 

Even on topics like mental health, write for us. We encourage young writers to come forward and start writing. We will be happy to read your insightful health care blogs and subsequently publish them too on our site.