
What Is Good Morning Exercise? Tricks and Tips | Benefits And Danger

The good-morning exercise refers to some specific set of moves and workout techniques with a typical squat-like posture focusing on erector spinae as if someone has just woken up. 

A good morning workout session pays maximum attention to strengthening erector spinae muscles of our lower back region to let it stay extended. Meanwhile, the hamstrings and glutes facilitate a hip extension. 

As per its nomenclature, you should kickstart your day with a good morning back exercise followed with other moves after due consultation with your physical trainer. 

What Is a Good Morning Exercise Routine?

It amply justifies its name. Good morning exercise should be performed early morning, preferably after a mild breakfast. 

You can practice your workout session at a gym or home using quality fitness trainer equipment. 

Practice it for at least 45 minutes or as per the advice of your gym trainer or fitness expert.

What Muscles Does the Good Morning Exercise Work?

Good mornings come with a lot of benefits. The fitness-conscious people indulge in such exercise moves to build up their butt muscles and hams. 

Good morning exercise muscles worked in several ways that help you derive maximum fitness benefits. 

We will briefly understand how each of these muscles can stand to benefit by performing these exercise moves; 


In layman’s language, hamstring refers to the backside of your thigh and knee. With a combination of good mornings and other fitness moves, one can easily get strong hamstrings within a few months.

Hip Muscles (Glutes):

Our butt is a complex part of the body. The round-shaped hips on both sides comprise three muscles; the gluteus minimus, gluteus maximus and the gluteus medius. 

The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus facilitate free movement of hips while gluteus maximus is essential for the overall functioning of our butt movements. With tougher butt muscles, we confidently participate in various sports and stay active. 


These moves also improve core muscles like transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae.

Erector Spinae:

Erector spinae consists of nine muscles that run from spine to pelvis. It can help in improving your back posture and overall fitness. 

Is It Good to Exercise in the Morning?

Yes. Keeping all the safety precautions in mind, you can practice these moves without any worries. 

However, if you are under any medication, or want to perform it for the first time, then please consult your physician and fitness trainer respectively.

These exercise moves are also beneficial to making your glutes (hip muscles) and hamstrings (thigh muscles) stronger and tougher. 

Glutes and Hamstrings play a key role in almost every sport, including jumping, cricket, football, and sprinting.

Practice these exercise moves almost every day. Take a one day off if needed. Do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the duration or frequency of good mornings without consulting your gym expert. It may badly impact your health. 

Follow a set fitness regime, time-table, and daily routine to avoid messing up with your fitness goals. 

Are Good Mornings Bad for Your Back?

Good mornings are the best posterior chain fitness moves for fitness freaks. These moves need to be in sync with the proper flex and muscle movements. Any wrong move can be dangerous to your back and neck. 

When you exercise with a barbell putting a lot of stress on your back muscles, you need to properly balance yourself. If you can withstand that pressure, then you are doing it perfectly. 

Don’t take any risk. If you can’t bear the pressure in your initial attempts, then stop performing such workouts. Balance is the key here.  

Beginners should start with simple Back Squat Moves and RDL (Romanian deadlift ) before plunging into good mornings. Once you gain enough mastery of those RDL and various squat positions, then you can easily perform good mornings too.

If RDL (good morning exercise alternative) is not your cup of tea, then forget good mornings. Instead, practice mild aerobic, yoga and cardio-workout sessions for fitness goals. 

Either practice your workout moves correctly or don’t do. 

There are no retakes or trials and errors in live workout sessions; else a single wrong move can be detrimental to your health.

Types of Weight-training Good Morning Exercises

Barbell Good Morning:

Hold a barbell on both hands and bring them closer to your shoulder with both hands from behind. Both hands should stay equidistant from each other. 

Zercher Squat:

Under this move, you have practice up and down (in a squat position) holding the barbell using the inside of your elbow. 

Using Dumbbells:

Keep a dumbbell in both hands resting them on your shoulders. Now, lower your torso and again stand up. 

A key to performing any good morning exercises is to acquaint yourself well with the techniques of squat and contracting the core (muscles).

The Conclusion

Considering good morning exercises benefits, we can conclude it’s highly beneficial and effective. Practice these moves daily to accomplish your fitness goals. 

Practicing workouts in the morning comes with a lot of merits; it sets the tone of the day while keeping you reinvigorated and energized. Always try to complete your workout sessions early in the morning within a couple of hours after you woke up.

Exercising at any other time may let you feel weary and tired. Of late, it has been proven that one who follows an early morning fitness regime is less likely to fall ill or susceptible to the elevated level of blood sugar and blood pressure than others. 

Yes. These good morning exercises also offer you with an excellent opportunity to strengthen your muscles and embark on a weight-loss journey that can be crucial to your overall health and fitness.

If you are a fitness freak and want to indulge in the above fitness moves, then the right time is now. Don’t wait anymore. With some simple safety guidelines and precautions in mind, you can start practicing these workout moves almost in a hassle-free manner. Just take it one step at a time. 


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