
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? Health Benefits and Risks | Dog Health

The dogs can eat fresh pineapple, and it is good for them. The health benefits of pineapple for dogs are many; primary among them being an adequate supply of vitamin, calcium and other minerals. 

Though dogs are not accustomed to eating very many fruits, they do eat pineapple. Consumption of pineapple by dogs is safe for them, besides, eating pineapple in small quantities helps in supplying a large number of nutrients in their body.

One of the biggest benefits of pineapple for the dogs is an adequate supply of body fluid. It helps the dogs to stay away from the problem of dehydration. Their body fluid is maintained.

What Are the Health Benefits of Pineapple for Dogs?

Twice or thrice a week, eating a few small slices of fresh pineapple is beneficial for dog-health. It can act as anti-viral agents. It will keep the dogs away from seasonal viral diseases. 

Hence, dogs Can Dogs Eat Pineapple.

Some of the health benefits of pineapple core are:

  • It can prevent the summer-diseases to a great extent.
  • If pineapple is fed to dogs at a 10% ratio of their quantum of food, it can keep their nutritional proportion balanced.
  • Sometimes, ripe and sliced pineapple to dogs as food can ensure supply of Vitamin C, which is essential for boosting immune.
  • Pineapples can ensure supply of manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium and iron to dogs.
  • Occasional pineapple consumption is essential to taking care of the digestive and intestinal systems of dogs.
  • Pineapples can supply fibres to dog’s food.
  • Pineapple provides natural sugar to dogs.

Is pineapple safe for dogs?

Only the raw and fresh pineapple is safe for dogs. The canned or tinned pineapples are not safe for them as it contains sugar syrup. 

Pineapples are safe for dogs if given in smaller quantities periodically, say maximum two to three times a week. It will strengthen their immune system.

A dog needs six nutrients for keeping health in good order. These nutrients are:  

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Fat
  3. Minerals
  4. Protein
  5. Vitamins
  6. Water

Few chunks of pineapple can act in a major way in supplying these essential nutrients to the dogs. Thus, eating pineapple can help them.

Is Pineapple Bad for Dogs?

No. It is not if given in a balanced manner. It will have bad side effects if raw pineapple is fed to them regularly. There should be some space or time gap between the first time feeding of pineapple slices and its repeat. 

Now, the question arises here is can dogs eat pineapples? The small-sized dogs or puppies should be given smaller – a few small pieces – quantum of pineapple slices. The larger or bigger sized dogs can consume some more pieces, say four to five slices.

Consumption of pineapple slices can be harmful only if they are fed regularly and in larger quantities, say more than 10% of their daily food intake. Just as the human being cannot consume the core of the skin of the pineapple, it is the same with the dogs too.

They should never be given that to the dogs. In fact, any animal, including the dogs are not health conscious and do not know what is good or bad for their body. They depend on the human being for that.

Hence, it must be kept in mind that the skin or core of the pineapple is very bad for their health. Even by chance, they should not be given to the dogs.

Can dogs eat canned pineapple?

No. They should not. Canned pineapple can cause health risks. It is bad for the dog-health. It must be strictly avoided. Dogs should not be fed with tinned or canned pineapple pieces as they are dipped in sugar juice. The sugar juice or syrup is very bad for dog health. Therefore, it must be avoided. However, dogs eat pineapple sometimes because of its mouth watering taste.

Feeding canned or tinned pineapple can cause digestive problems for the dogs. Hence, always go for fresh and ripened pineapples for the dogs. Consumption of canned pineapple can enhance the degree of sugar level in their body, thus making them prone to diabetes. It, in the long run, can result in making them obese. 

When is pineapple harmful to dogs?

Feeding fresh pineapple chunks or smaller pieces must be avoided very strictly if the dog or puppy has stomach problems. If dogs are suffering from diarrhoea or any other intestinal problems do not give pineapples to them. 

Eating raw and fresh ripened pineapples during their pendency of diarrhoea can be life-threatening for dogs. So, dogs and pineapple is always a controversial matter.

How to Prepare Pineapple for Dogs?

Give only the fleshy part of the pineapple and always avoid feeding the hard pineapple core. Since the dogs cannot eat large pieces, cut the pineapple in very small pieces.   

The ideal method would be to smash it and serve it to dogs. It would be very juicy and easy to chew and gulp. 

How many pineapples Can Dogs Eat?

The best ratio of fresh pineapple chunks or mashes/crushes should comprise not more than 10% of the overall quantum of food daily consumed by the dogs. Excessive consumption of pineapple is risky. 

Hence, maintain this ratio. The mashes or crushed pineapple can also be served with cooked rice. The quantum of rice mixed with pineapple mashes should not exceed more than two cups. 

Since the dogs may not like the smell of pineapple, this method can be adapted to make it tasty. The dogs may consume pineapple while eating cooked rice. 

Puppies and dogs are a lovable creature. They are real animal friends of mankind. For centuries, mankind and dogs have been living together under the same roof. Thus, they are as much our close friends as any other human being. 

The Conclusion

It is our moral duty to look after their health. They don’t have a language that we understand. Hence, by their physical appearances and behaviors, we should know if they have any physical or bodily problems. 

Pineapple, hence, is good for dogs but only after maintaining some dos and don’ts. Don’t give them a slice of Pineapple every day as it may end up causing some troubles relating to their health. Contrarily, you can give them once or twice a month. It won’t create any problem for them.


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